Monday, July 9, 2007

A Sarcastic "Big Surprise" coupled with eye rolling

Geez, who didn't see this coming ?

I was against this war from the beginning. During the lead up, I tried telling everyone that the reasoning didn't make any sense. Iraq was never a threat to us. I was highly suspicious of the so-called "weapons of mass destruction" that Sadaam was apparently ready (this minute!) to attack us with. Iraq had nothing to do with September 11th. To me, it seemed blatantly obvious that the war had been planned well ahead of time.

So were us "liberals" right? Even most conservatives will admit that Iraq has been a total mess. Our "leadership" (I don't think you can even call it that) dropped the ball big time and what's most infuriating to myself, (and I think to most liberals in general) is the complete lack of accountability by anybody involved. Simply having low poll numbers is not adequate accountability for Bush. What you have is a president who led us into a pointless war costing tens of thousands of lives...that seems to have no end in sight because he can't admit he was wrong. Bush and his cronies tell us constantly "Things will get better. Give the plan time". First off, there is no plan. There never was any plan to begin with other than "um...let's get Sadaam and justify it by linking him with 9/11!"

Now we get word that this ridiculous "democracy" we've installed can't get any of their shit together after years of our training, help, money, and lives. What's the point of having goals and benchmarks if they're never met? Everything about this administration is spin and damage control. For every terrorist who blows up 30 people at a market, the nuts on the other side will say "Yeah, but our soldiers built a school!!!!!!!!!". Thanks. Great. Not only is that school probably going to preach how much America should be hated to the very citizens we are helping, but it's got a good chance of getting bombed in the future anyway.

I have a close family member who spent almost 2 years in Iraq. He was able to come back for two weeks over Christmas in 2005. Naturally, I was interested in any information I could get. We got to talking about pulling troops out and he started laughing. His exact words were "We're not going anywhere for a long time". The reason? His men were building multiple bases around the country to hold 30,000 soldiers at a time as opposed to the regular bases that held around 3,000. This whole "surge" thing was not something Bush came up with as a solution. It was the plan from the beginning. Of course, the media won't tell you that and neither will the administration. It's simply spun to make it look as if Bush is conceding to a "new strategy". It's all bullshit.

So I'm sitting here thinking I'm more intelligent and could make better decisions for this country than our own goddamn president. How scary is that? To know that the evil, moral less liberals were right in saying this war was stupid from the get go (talking about ordinary citizens here, not the retarded democratic politicians who were too gutless to say "no". The bane of every liberal in Washington is to be spun as "anti-American", therefore anytime a president says "let's go to war" there is near universal support in congress).

There is no articulate argument that can be made for staying in Iraq.

The only excuse anybody can offer is "It'll be worse than it is now!!!!!" If that is the basis for your argument, then admit that we'll be in that country with a major force forever and that you're ok with spending trillions of dollars and giving American soldiers' lives up for a permanent presence in that country. It's obvious that the Iraqi government isn't going to get its act together anytime soon. It's also a distinct possibility that when we leave, they'll end up "electing" a terrorist regime to run the country. Then what?

Bush is probably counting down the days until he leaves office. After all, Iraq won't be his problem anymore. A democrat will be in office, will order the removal of our troops, and when things start going to hell in Iraq, Rush Limbaugh will preach to the wingnuts that the Democrats are allowing genocide to happen, that it's their fault for the chaos in Iraq, and that they are the root of all evil in the world. I say "Let it happen. The sooner the better". Let Iraq fend for itself. There are bigger threats in the world right now, and just beyond the horizon, than some yahoos blowing themselves up in mosques. The war in Iraq has made terrorism explode across the globe and Bush should have that on his conscience. His actions have led to the deaths, broken lives, and misery of more people than any terrorist could hope to have done.

So the cycle will continue unless a democrat is elected president. Congress will do nothing (realistically, there's nothing they can do anyway), Bush will continue to play keep away and let the clock run out until the aftermath is someone else's mess, and we'll endure another 2+ years of bitterness, dead soldiers, and hate towards our government.

I guess I should thank Bush for one thing: for delivering government control to the Democrats for the foreseeable future.

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