Friday, July 27, 2007

Random tidbits: mini-reviews and news

Made it through the first season of Deadwood. I was slightly disappointed. I really dug the characters and all the actors are perfect. But the story lines given to those characters were pretty lame. Maybe the subsequent seasons will improve the narrative, as I can understand that this first season is an introduction, but meh. The only character I'm not sold on is Timothy Olyphant as Seth Bullock and I didn't particularly like how Wild Bill Hickock was portrayed. Regardless, I liked it enough to want to watch season 2.


I also watched the first episode of David Duchovny's new Showtime series Californication. Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Mulder and Scully had hooked up, had a kid, and then Scully had left him for a regular guy? That's pretty much this show. Duchovny plays a writer with an eternal case of writer's block whose "wife" has left him. In the meantime, he replaces writing by banging hot women, being a sarcastic bastard (imagine Mulder's humor and add in extreme nihilism), and banging more hot women. He's also trying to deal with his 12 year old daughter who is maturing a little faster than he thinks she should. I thought the show was pretty cool. You can tell that the creators stuck as many tits in it as humanly possible. No less then four girls are banged by Duchovny in the 30 minute episode. I laughed multiple times throughout and with a little refinement (dialog could be a little better), I can see this being a really good show. Plus, the "twist" at the end of the first episode will definitely make you want to watch the rest of the series. A good solid start.


Earlier today in my film class, another point was revealed as to why going to the movies is better than watching them on TV. We watched Babyface and although my professor had seen the film a dozen times, had written an entire article about the film, she had never seen it on the big screen. When it was over, she got incredibly excited and was telling us all of the unique things that she had never seen before that doesn't come across on a television. So, you have somebody who has spent years of their life watching a film, dissecting it in every way...and by seeing it on the big screen they see things in the film they've never seen before. Chalk it up to another reason movies are better on the big screen.

There are now allegations floating around that Pat Tillman was murdered. The White House and Pentagon won't release some documents about the case due to executive privilege. Hypothetically, if it turns out that friendly fire was not the cause of death, does that mean that the Bush administration has been covering up a murder? If they did cover up a murder...what the hell happens then? Now, I'm not going to jump off that ledge yet, but there's some weird information coming out about Tillman that makes you sort of stand back and say "um...this doesn't feel quite right..."

Tomorrow, I begin my candidacy for the 2016 presidency. Don't miss it!

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