Monday, July 16, 2007

My Springfield Alter-Ego

If you head over to the official website for the Simpson's movie (which looks great, by the way), you can find a cool program where they allow you to customize yourself to look like a Simpson's character. That's supposed to look like me if I lived in Springfield. The Mii's for the Wii are pretty lame. This is much more impressive. I'm such a geek.

The Splattercast tonight went fairly well. Episode 35 should be posted in the next day or so. We definitely need more sound fx from Spooky. More foul mouthed Schwarzenegger one-liners are always a good thing.

The first day of my film class, Pre-Code cinema, was great. We watched a documentary about pre-code women and how they riled up the Catholics with their portrayals of guilt-free sex, criminal behavior, abortions, and power in the workplace. Things never change, I suppose. Next time you're wondering why Jean Harlow always has hard nipples, it's because she'd put ice cubes on them before each shot. And you know how those Catholics hate erect nipples!

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