Sunday, July 22, 2007

If only I were finished

I'm getting ready to write the first paper for my Pre-Code Cinema class which is due tomorrow morning (why do I procrastinate?) and I realize that I've gotten to the point in my college life where I've hit a wall. Actually, I've scaled the wall only to find there's another one waiting for me. A needless one...

Technically, I'm still a Junior. I've finished my minor (History) and after this upcoming semester, I'll be completely finished with my major (Film Studies) with the exception of one goddamn class that I can't seem to get registered for. You would think that I'd be ready to move out into the "real world". Not so. I'm going to have to take about 8 more classes just to get my degree. These classes will have absolutely nothing to do with anything, other than line the pockets of UNL . Sure, I suppose I could minor in something else, but I don't want to. So after this fall semester, I'm staring at two more semesters of mindless garbage just so I can get hooked up with some swell decent paying government job. Before, it didn't really matter. I was taking enough classes to keep me interested, but now that I've essentially finished my major and dried up the pool of elective classes that interest me, I'm going to be going through the motions rather than be engaged in learning, which is what college is supposedly all about, right?

This fall, I'm taking Aesthetics, Gender & Communication, Understanding World Politics, and Women & Gender in the USA. The first two are required as part of my Major and the last two are leftover classes I had to take because nothing else was available. I'm holding out hope somebody drops the Ancient Greek Religion course and the Women in Popular Culture class that I need to complete my major. This next couple semesters are going to be incredibly frustrating.

Anyways, enough bitching. This week I plan on starting my 2016 Presidential candidacy platform. First up will be my solution to immigration with other issues to follow. I'm looking for a vice-presidential candidate. If you know of anyone, let me know. In all seriousness, I'm hoping this will eventually lead into the new podcast I'm going to try and start up (again, if time and laziness don't interfere).

I've been hammering away at the details for Outpost Doom, the potential next film for Dead Lantern Pictures. I say "potential" because nothing seems to ever happen with all of our other projects. I've decided to take this one slow and make sure the script is great before we jump into filming. It's going to be filled to the brim with obscure horror movie references that directly relate to the character types in the film. These are all going to be incredibly subtle. I'm talking about only die-hard horror nerds will pick up on any of them, if at all. The main character's name is Jack Glendon. At some point, after watching the movie, somebody's going to go "duh!", slap their head, and hopefully think "well that was kinda cool. Why didn't I catch that obvious hint?". I'm still waiting for the rest of the cast to post their character stuff and back stories (we'll see if it actually happens). It's going to be interesting to see what they come up with.

Anyways, I better go write my damn paper now. But first, I think I'll cut myself an apple...

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