Thursday, January 17, 2008

For what it's worth

For what it's worth, I just woke up from a really vivid dream of the Patriots losing. My dream overall was weird. It was of the kind that wasn't quite a nightmare but made me wake up suddenly. Has anyone ever had those? Where you feel fairly unsettled even though you can't really remember what you were dreaming about? I didn't wake up screaming or anything, just a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, the focus of my dream wasn't the Patriots. I was with some other people who were watching it and something bad happened. I can't remember exactly what the bad thing that happened was, but I do remember quite clearly watching the Patriots lose and walk off the field, players yelling at each other. The final score was 17-10 and the Patriots screwed up a chance to tie the game when the botched a 4th and goal play. The mood in the room was fowl and unfortunately, I can't remember exactly what happened after that, but I woke up suddenly in a jolt. Weird, but if this scenario plays out, you heard it here first :)

My classes suck. I'll get into more of that on another blog.

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