Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just some random pieces of useless information

Currently listening to Soundgarden's "Fell on Black Days", via Pandora.

Watched Werner Herzog's Rescue Dawn (B) and Curtiz's Casablanca (always an A) today.

Girlfriend is pestering me to go see Juno, which I might be seeing Monday afternoon. After that, I'll be checking out The Orphanage.

Did an interview tonight with some newspaper called Red Line (I think?) about politics and why Obama is so great.

Did anybody else notice tonight that Dwight Howard's "Superman Dunk"wasn't really a dunk at all? It was cool to watch, don't get me wrong...but the guy threw the ball into the hoop. That's not a slam dunk.

Watched the latest episode of Nip/Tuck tonight. This show jumped the shark in the 4th season (one could argue it happened in the first episode of the first season, but whatever) and it just added incest to its scroll of ridiculous plotlines. I love this show.

Next four films in my Netflix queue in order: American Gangster, We Own the Night, Gone Baby Gone, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

Currently contemplating: Should I buy a cheap HD-DVD player and cash in on the bargain price discs before they go out of print, buy a stand alone Blu-Ray player, or buy a PS3 which comes with a Blu-Ray player (and will allow me to play this game when it comes out in'll be delayed even longer, you just know it)?

Obama opens up a significant lead in the Gallup tracking poll. Best case scenario: double digit victory in Wisconsin, upset win in Texas, narrow loss in Ohio= Hillary out of the race

Did you know that this amazing band came from this amazing band (disregard fan made music video)?

Debating whether or not to see Jean-Luc Godard's Weekend...or Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers at the Ross this week. Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Did you see Juno? Everyone seems to love it but I'm sort of thinking it's the type of thing that can wait until DVD.